Bonanza Fan Fiction Site Forum

H/C  [Hurt/Comfort].
 (Many actors call them "GET stories.)

H/C is  a popular genre within all fandoms.  It can bring out strong emotions in otherwise stoic male characters.

What, for you, distinguishes a good H/C story from a formula potboiler?

Or do you like formula potboilers?  If they're well-written?  If they strike the right  emotional chord regardless of the the quality of the writing?

Are you only interested in H/C when the hurt person is your favorite?

Are you only interested in H/C when a certain character is hurt and a specific character is the caretaker?

Express your opinion at h/

HC Opinions:

Some of the first Bonanza stories I ever read were of the h/c variety, and many of the finest appear on your new website.  In fact, there are a few that I haven't seen in so long that finding them again was like revisiting old friends.

I would say that I do like the h/c genre as long as it isn't carried too far in one extreme or the other.  Hurt that is used to develop the emotional growth of one or more characters is marvelous.  Hurt that is used for the sole purpose of turning another character into a hand-holding drudge for pages on end is tedious.  Well done comforting, comfort used as a relationship builder or as a means of showing hidden facets of a character is touching and can bring amazing insight and depth to a story.  Badly done comforting, comfort that merely exists for the purpose of having one character coddle and fret over the injured one can bring an otherwise good story down faster than anything I've ever seen, particularly when it lasts for page after page with no other plot development in sight.

Would I read a h/c story where someone other than Joe (my fave) is the hurt one?  Absolutely.  In fact, I really enjoy the occasional story where Joe gets a chance to shine as he takes care of friends or family.  The enjoyment is in seeing him cope with an unusual and worrying situation on his own.   And as caregiver if Joe is the injured party?  Well, it may not be the popular choice in fanfic, Ben or Hop Sing usually get the job, but I do love seeing Hoss in charge.  :)

Helen Adams

My opinions on h/c

I like Joe h/c stories with him being taken care of by one or both of his brothers.  But not if the author makes them too gushy.  Sometimes the author puts herself in the position of the one taking care of Joe and has Ben or the brothers acting more like a mother or sister would.  Either that or she doesn't really have any idea how men would act in a situation like that.

Also I don't care for stories that have far-fetched injuries or illness that in reality would not have been possible to live through back then, or survive without after effects, or surgeries that were not done back then. ( Except for one notable exception, where the author noted that she was 20 years too early for the surgery being performed and footnoted the true date and place where it was first performed and the doctor who did it)

Thank you.


H/C is a wonderful way to bring out emotions in male characters who don't normally express them.  I hate H/C when it becomes a torture of the week story which brings out nothing new in the characters.  I usually prefer my favorite character to be the caretaker rather than the wounded one  but I know that most people "prefer to hurt the one they love."  I hate "magic" cures - a badly burned character is magically healed by a Chinese or Indian cure that wouldn't even work today.  On the other hand, I have no problem if the wounded man is part of a slim percentage who would survive or be cured of whatever their injury or illness - as long as survival or cure wouldn't have been impossible.  I agree with Ginny's dislike of stories that turn men into weepy feminine characters.  Certainly a man can be pushed to tears in extreme circumstances but because it was not acceptable for men to cry back then, the author needs to make sure the motivation is very strong.  Because the Cartwrights are family, it is more difficult in my opinion to do as much with an h/c story in terms of developing the characters and I salute those who do it well.  Generally I prefer the H/C in buddy shows (AS&J, Laredo, Mag7) because without the family ties which makes the deep caring a given, the story can expose otherwise hidden emotions.

Randy -

I do love h/c and generally I prefer to have the one I love hurt.  That doesn't keep me from reading stories where others are the hurt one and Adam helps with the comfort.  I prefer stories where the injuries can be healed by standard rest and medical practices of the day, rather than by untested medical procedures, miracles, or constant begging by the family to survive because the rest of the family can't live without them.   Vickie JAX

I like them IF the plot is moved along and IF the hurt and comfort is just part of the story and not THE story. That said, I think this has been done to death in Bonanza fanfic and I am pretty much unlikely to read it anymore, even it involves Joe, my favorite. My eyes glaze over as soon as he is "carried up to bed" as if he were an infant, undressed (also like said infant), a "damp curl" is brushed off his fevered brow" by Ben...think I have read enough of this? Doc Martin is always fighting with Joe, who is always being difficult and Ben is always unable to leave Joe's side.

And lets not even think about the torture stories--stories were we just read about endless suffering and flayed skin, and innards and bloody tissue. And please, no stories need to describe the Cartwrights going to the bathroom.We all know they did it but it really adds nothing to the plot except to leave the reader wondering why the author is interested in bodily waste. :O

At this point, I would say if you can't find a new way to do this genre in this particular fandom... DON'T. Its been done, done and done.

Libby Armstrong

Admittedly this genre has been done to death, and spectacularly badly in some cases, but I do still enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic.
What I don't like is hurt just for the sake of hurting the character, it needs to be as part of a strong storyline -such as Kate Mortenz Teal's superb 'Ringgold', one of the best h/c fics I've read.
Kate P


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