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Have Been Posted Congratulations to the Award Winners Click here for links to AWARD PAGES Thank you to our judges and those who sent nominations. |
Hell, Ham, Milkshakes & Mayhem by Heidi ATF Comedy |
Helluva Thing- SueN. - OW Vin, All 7 H/C |
Borrowed Time - Estevana Rey - WWII AU All 7 |
Fine Edge of the Blade by Trish OW Nathan All 7 |
Sevenby Debbi K & Nancy W. OW All 7 C&A CCC |
Boxing Day - NotTasha - ATF Ezra, All 7, Holiday |
PQL [Project Quantum Leap] - NotTasha - SciFi AU series |
One Reason - Kim - ATF All 7, CCC. Tearjerker |
Across the Divide: The Seven Ride Again by Sue Bartholomew OW All 7 Death Fic |
After Clouds, Sun - Linda B. -ATF Vin, All 7 |
Alma Mater - Hilary Fox - OW, All 7, CCC, C&A |
Amazon Series:- NotTasha - OW Ezra, Vin All the 7 make appearances of varying importance depending on the story. |
Angels Bending Near - Joan Curtin - OW, Vin, All 7 Holiday |
Another Brick - Heather F. - ATF, Ezra, All 7, Comedy |
Bad Things Happen: A Hero is a Hero - Tiffiny - ATF JD, All 7, CCC |
The Ballad of Bad-Ass Beamington - Sarah Bartholomew - OW All 7, Comedy |
A Barstool at 10th & Main - Setcheti - AU, Ezra, All 7 |
Bedeviled! - NotTasha - OW All 7 JPF |
The Best Medicine - Mel - OW Vin, All 7, C&A |
Best of Times, Worst of Times: Nathan - Tarlan - OW Nathan, All 7, Holiday |
Best Served Cold - Kath - OW, All 7, Action |
The BET series - Luna Dey - OW All 7, Comedy |
Bet You Could - Mel - OW Vin, All 7, H/C |
A Birthday in the Present (The original ATF story) - Mog - ATF All 7, H/C |
Blood Trail - Joan Curtin - OW, Vin, Chris, All 7, H/C, Action |
Bolt Out of the Blue - NotTasha - OW/ATF Ezra, Ezra, All 7 Comedy |
Viva Las Vegas - Libby 7 for Hire AU All 7 JPF |
The Bridge - Desperado's Daughter - ATF, All Seven, Action, H/C |
Brothers of Mercy - Mel - AU Vin, All 7 CCC |
Buffalo Man - Tarlan - OW, All 7, Action |
The Bull- Helen Chavez - OW, Buck, All 7, Comedy, C&A |
Catclysm - Brate - OW All 7, JPF |
Candy from Strangers - Hilary Fox - ATF, All 7, C&A, Comedy |
The Challenge - Hilary Fox - ATF, All 7, JPF |
The Race - Meg Tipper OW All 7, Comedy |
Vertical Expression of Horizontal Desires by Tess ATF Ezra, All 7 |
A Matter of Time LIbby - ATF JD, All 7 Action |
Clear as a Bell - NotTasha - OW Ezra All 7 H/C |
Countdown to Christmas - Kathy B. - OW All 7, Holiday, Serial |
Crossroads - Mitzi - OW All 7 CCC Novella |
The Cur - Series- Linda B. - OW Vin, All 7, C&A, Tearjerker |
The Crying Waters - Kimberly (KBJ) - OW, Vin, All 7, C&A, Novella |
Darkest Hours - Estevana Rey - OW All 7 H/C Novella |
Conspiracies- Desperado's Daughter - OW, Nathan, JD, All 7 Action |
Days of Fire - Sarah B. - OW All 7, Action |
Debts & Decisions - Firefox - OW, Chris, All 7, CCC |
Dead Cat Walking - Greenwoman - ATF, All 7, JPF, C&A |
Derailed- Klingoncat - ATF, All 7, Action |
Devil of a Time - NotTasha - All 7, JPF |
Devil's Bargain - SueN. - OW, Vin All 7, H/C CCC |
Discourse on the Sober Life - Hilary Fox - ATF, All 7, JPF |
Driven- SueN - OW All 7 H/C CCC |
Down Time- Helen Chavez - Josiah, All 7, CCC, Holiday [Also Black Raptor Down Time] |
Dying Ain't Much of a Living - Tiffiny - OW Vin, All 7 DeathFic |
Face Value - Dorkjunkie & Sassysouix - OW, Vin, All the Seven, H/C, Serial, Romance |
Fade to Black - SueN - ATF All 7 H/C |
Following the Fence Home - NotTasha - OW Ezra, All 7, H/C |
A Fool and His Boots NotTasha OW Buck, All 7 JPF |
For a Good Cause - Heather M. - ATF All 7, JPS |
42:17 - Hilary Fox - OW, Vin, All 7, Deathfic |
Four Corners Police Dept.- Heidi & Cin - Police AU All 7, Actioin Novella plus short stories |
A Gathering of Lions - G. M. Atwater - ATF All 7 CCC |
Ghosts- Joan Curtin - OW Vin, All 7 CCC, Action |
Hearing Things - Tiffiny - ATF All 7 JPF |
Hero - Desperado's Daughter - OW, JD, All Seven, Action, H/C |
Hope, and Angels' Wings - G. M. Atwater - OW All 7, Holiday |
Hospital - Mel - Modern AU, Chris, Vin, All 7, H/C |
Good Name NotTasha OW Buck, Ezra
Good Name II, OW Vin, rest of 7 Good Name III, IV- OW JD, Nathan then All 7 |
Homecoming- KETanner - OW All 7, Deathfic |
I Will Help You - Mitzi - OW All 7 CCC Novella, Crossover |
Keeping On - Hilary Fox - ATF, JD, Buck, Vin, Rest of the 7, H/C |
Into the Unknown - Mel - Modern AU Vin, All 7, CCC |
Into the Cold - NotTasha - OW Ezra, All 7, Action |
La Corrido del Coyote - G. M. Atwater - OW All 7 CCC, Action, C&A |
The Last Word - Linda B. - OW Vin, All 7, Comedy |
Legacies - Sarah Bartholomew - OW JD All 7, CCC, Deathfic |
Legends Born Series- Joan Curtin - OW All 7, CCC |
The Leopard & His Spots - NotTasha - OW Ezra, All 7, Action, H/C |
Magical Cats & Sewer Rats - Mods - ATF All 7 Comedy |
Missing, One Agent, Slightly Used - Ronnee - ATF All 7 Action |
Music Hath Charms - Patricia Merritt - OW Josiah, All 7, Comedy |
My Name is Legion - Sarah Bartholomew - OW All 7 H/C Action CCC |
New Crew- KT - Modern AU, The 7, CCC, Action |
Old Foes- KT - Modern AU, The 7, Action |
On the Outskirt of Tascosa - Sue Bartholomew - OW Ezra, All 7, CCC |
Out of the Frying Pan - Mady Bay - ATF All 7, CCC |
Parables (series of seven stories) - Hilary Fox - OW All the 7, H/C |
Penance- Desperado's Daughter - OW, JD, All 7, Action, H/C |
The Perfect Crime - (Gen version) - KETanner - OW, Chris, Vin, All 7, Action |
The Race - Meg Tipper OW All 7, Comedy |
Return of the Prodigal Son
- Sue
Bartholomew - OW All 7, Action |
River Styx- Estevana Rey - OW Vin, All 7, H/C, Action, CCC |
Positively Beaming - Firefox - ATF All 7, Comedy |
Set-Up - Desperado's Daughter - ATF, JD, All 7, H/C |
Potter's Field - Desperado's Daughter - OW, All 7, H/C, Action |
Pun Wars - Hilary Fox - ATF All 7, JPF |
Persona Non Grata (WIP - 110 pp so far) - Desperado's Daughter - ATF All 7, Action |
Coercion (WIP - 74 pp so far) - Desperado's Daughter - OW All Seven, Action |
The Chase (WIP - 43 pp so far) - Desperado's Daughter - OW, Ezra, Vin, Action |
Seven Deadly Hangovers - Sue Bartholomew - OW All 7, JPF |
The Trial of Vin Tanner - Meg Tipper - The 7 minus Buck & Nathan, Action [no separate category for legal action] |
The Shenandoah Waltz - Sue Bartholomew - OW Ezra, All 7, C&A, Action |
The Silence Between - Shellie Williams - OW JD, Josiah, Buck, Vin, CCC, H/C |
Silent Gifts - Katie - Holiday, All 7 |
Silent Night - SueN. - OW Vin, All 7, Holiday |
Silent Voices - Debbie - ATF Ezra, JD, All 7, Action |
Snake on the Loose - NotTasha - OW Ezra, All 7, Action |
Sneaking Around - Tiffiny - ATF All 7 JPF |
Soledad - J. Brooks - OW Ezra, All7 Action |
Someone to Watch Over Me - Firefox - ATF All 7, Comedy |
Stoics Anonymous - Mel - AU All 7 Comedy |
Stoics Revealed - Mel - AU All 7 Comedy |
Stop the Press - Sammie - WAT-Xover, All 7 & WAT Cast |
A Story for Lent - Mel - Modern AU Vin, All 7, JPF |
That's Neither Hair, Nor There - Mods - ATF Vin, All 7, JPF |
Then I'll Feel Better - Mog - ATF Chris, All 7 JPF |
Time Change - Mel - Modern AU Vin, All 7 CCC |
To Honor My Father - Kimberly (KBJ) - OW Vin, All 7, C&A |
To See Ourselves As Others See Us . . . - Firefox - ATF All 7, CCC |
So Simple - NotTasha - OW Ezra, Chris, All 7, Action |
Tom "Scat" Logan's Story - Heather F. - OW All 7, Action, CCC |
Trapped - Mel - OW Vin, Chris, All 7 H/C |
Trinity - Sue Kelley - ATF All 7 Novella |
Until Proven Innocent - Tiffiny - ATF Ezra, All 7 Death Fic, SS |
Vertical Expression of Horizontal Desires by Tess ATF Ezra, All 7 |
Visions of Vengeance - Dorkjunkie & Sassysouix - ATF All 7, Action |
Vocabulary - Linda B. - Series OW All 7, CCC |
Waiting on a Friend - Mog - OW All 7, CCC |
When Life Gives You Oranges - NotTasha - OW All 7 |
When the Lights Go Down - Mog - OW Ezra, All 7, Death Fic |
Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? (co-written with Lisa) - Mog - ATF All 7, Comedy, |
White - Mog - OW All 7 JPF |
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas - J. Brooks - ATF All 7, Comedy |
Wooden Horses - J. Brooks - AU, All 7 |
A Work of Fiction - Firefox - ATF All 7, CCC, Comedy |
Equitable Action - Meg Tipper - EA AU All 7 Action (Legal & the Old Fashioned Kind) |
Floods, Momma Cows and Crocodiles Heather F. All 7 JPF |
A Certain Tactile Sensitivity - Meg Tipper - Ezra, All 7 CCC |
Live to Fight On - Libby OW All 7 SS |
Historical Happenings - Libby OW All 7 |
Distant Horizon - Libby OW Ezra All 7 |
Simple Pleasures - Helen Adams ATF Ezra All 7 |
Christmas Spirit Beth Green ATF All 7 Holiday |
Moved by Silent HandsAlternate URL - Painted Eyes - OW Vin, All 7 Novel Action CCC |
For Faith - Painted Eyes OW All 7 Action CCC Novel |
The Coyote Chronicles - Mods - OW All 7 Series |
Dark Oath Made Subjective Reality OW Vin, All 7 |
Dealer's Choice Sue Bartholomew OW Ezra, All 7, Action |
Just a Piece in a Jigsaw Puzzle Julie Verinder OW Chris, All 7 |
On the Shoulders of Giants by Julia Verinder OW Vin, All 7, Action |
The Trail to Tascosa by the Traveling Dimestore Novelist OW All 7 Action, Series |
Running Against the Wind by Jean Graham OW All Seven Novel |
Magpie by Meg Tipper OW Ezra, All Seven |
Tell Me All Your Thoughts on God by Jin ATF Vin, All of 7, H/C |
Point of View by Jin ATF All 7, H/C |
Montezuma's Revenge by J. Brooks ATF All 7, Comedy [Sequel to What Happens in Vegas] |
Revenge by Katie OW All 7, Action |
Kings & Vagabonds I & II by Jean Graham Fantasy AU All 7 [Pt. II is a WIP] |
Bodyguards: Name of the Game by Jean Graham Modern AU, Ezra, Buck, All 7 [WIP] |
Catch Manny by Meg Tipper EA-AU All 7 Action |
Vengence AU by Heidi & Cin (Revolutionary War Privateer AU) All 7 |
Brawl by Katie OW All 7 |
Risk by Katie ATF All 7 |
Shuck Dog by Helen Chavez ATF Hellboy X-over Ezra, Josiah, All 7, SS [WIP] |
Last Stand by Katie OW All 7 |
Music Hath Charm - Joan Curtin - ATF Vin, All 7, Novella |
Bedeviled! by NotTasha OW All 7, JPF |
Slush & Slash
Another Saturday Night* - Sue Kelley OW Chris/Buck All 7 Comedy |
Camino del Diablo**
- Diamondback Devil's Road AU (OW Continuation AU) All
7, C/B, V/E. Action, SS
Interlude: Midnight of My Soul** Diamondback, Devil's Road AU, Vin, All 7, V/E [The author has removed Camino & Interlude from the internet for reasons unknown. These are two of the finest stories in the fandom. Many people saved copies for themselves. It's worth asking friends if they have a copy. You're most like to find someone among the C/B or E/V faithful but the story can be enjoyed even by nonslash readers.] |
Dark Angels **- Cattraine - Chris/Vin & All Seven AU |
Burning Angels **- Cattraine - Chris/Vin, Buck/Raphael, All 7, Biker AU |
Beyond a Shadow* - Tiffiny - OW All 7, Chris/Vin Slush CCC |
A Fairy Tale Ending**(BR) - Tiffiny - ATF Chris/Vin, All 7 |
Buffalo Man (Slash) **- Tarlan - OW, Chris/Vin, All 7, Action |
Foundations**- Stacie - ATF C/V All 7, CCC, Action |
Brass Ring Series**- KETanner - ATF Vin/Chris. All 7, Action, Tearjerker, H/C, Novellas/Series |
In Hiding* (Also BR) - Annie - ATF Vin, All 7, CCC |
Derailed**- Klingoncat - ATF Chris/Vin, All 7, Action. (slash version) |
Abducted**- Tarlan - ATF Chris, Vin, All 7, Slash, H/C |
Mama, He's Crazy** (BR) - SueN. - ATF Chris/Vin CCC |
One Sunday Morning** by Sue Kelley OW Chris/Buck All 7 Comedy |
The Perfect Crime ** (slash version) - KETanner - OW Chris/Vin, All 7, Action |
Out to Lunch **- Annie - ATF Chris/Vin, All 7 JPF |
Unintentional Trespass - KT- RNLI-AU All 7 |
Masquerade* KitipurrATF Ezra/Vin All 7 Action |
Served Cold ** by Julia Verinder ATF Vin All 7 V/E Action Novella |
The Magnificent Bordello** by Robin Serrano - OW AU Vin/Chris, All 7 SS, Series |
* * *
Stories are cross-indexed. One story
may appear in several categories. Stories with two to four main characters
will be listed under the names of each. Stories with five or more
will be listed under the All the Seven category. [We don't claim to be
good at math.] Stories with explicit sexual content are marked with
double asterisks**. Stories with
no explicit sexual content but which are likely to be in the adult section
of sites like Black Raptor due to reference to slash relationships are
marked with a single asterisk*
If an author has her own website or an index of stories on a website [and
we know about it] we'll provide a link to it. Just click on her name.